Workplace Coach

You’ve met the predatory customer. He or she makes work life difficult for others because his money, power or simply his status as a customer enable him to do so. Do...

Here’s a question from one of our readers on The person I have problems with uses the line that he is my customer and because of the position I have...

My dilemma: I was recruited for a board position in an organization I have been passionate about for years by our longest serving and most respected members.  They nearly fawned over...

Q: Like thousands of other women, I wrote my #MeToo. Although I disguised some of the facts to protect myself, it was clear to me and perhaps to others that it...

Question: I’ve known “John” since fifth grade. He had career success in his twenties, but it’s been downhill for him ever since. Recently, he got laid off, let me know he...

Question: My coworker has a bad habit of opening her mouth and letting angry words fly. Recently, she ripped into our mutual supervisor in front of me. Our supervisor seemed taken...

  Sex harassment – so obvious we think we know what it means and is. But do we? Which of these myths have you or others in your workplace believed? I...

  “I didn’t see it coming.” Then, when it was too late, when the human resources department or your supervisor handed you a layoff or termination notice, you wondered how you’d...

The following article by Dr. Lynne Curry was originally published in January 2018 Social Space Magazine, a publication of the Lien Center for Social Innovation, Singapore Management University; We have all met...

Question: I hadn’t expected to like the human services job I took four months ago when I moved to Alaska. My world in Florida, where I’d worked my way up to...